

  • Mycosis fungoides-like erupitions associated with abatacept.
    Hoshina D*, Nagata Y:
    Australas J Dermatol 65: e77-e78, 2024.
  • Dermoscopic Features of Heterotopic Salivary Gland Tissue in the Neck: Report of a Case.
    Inoue S, Maeda T, Nagata Y, Yanagi T, Ujiie H:
    Case Rep Dermatol. 16: 17-20, 2024.

  • Multiple courses of steroid pulse therapy are required in treating acquired idiopathic generalized anhidrosis patients with a large anhidrotic area: A retrospective study of 28 cases.
    Imafuku K, Yanagi T, Yoshimoto N, Miyazawa H, Iwata H, Ujiie H:
    Australas J Dermatol. 65: 55-58, 2024.

  • Multiple acantholytic acanthoma in junctional epidermolysis bullosa.
    Itamoto S, Natsuga K*, Seo T, Takashima S, Ujiie H:
    Acta Derm Venereol 104: adv42258, 2024.
  • A case of tick-borne Yezo virus infection: Concurrent detection in the patient and tick.
    Ogata Y, Sato T, Kato K, Kikuchi K, Mitsuhashi K, Watari K, Tamiya K, Goto A, Yamaguchi H, Hisada R:
    Int J Infect Dis. 143: 107038, 2024.
  • Nail growth arrest under low body temperatur during hibernation.
    Ishimoto T, Kosumi H, Natsuga K*, Yamaguchi Y*:
    J Physiol Sci 74: 27, 2024.
  • Eribulin for patients with metastatic extramammary Paget disease: Study protocol for a single-arm phase II trial.
    Maeda T, Yanagi T, Tokuchi K, Funakoshi T, Horie N, Isoe T, Ito M Y, Sato N, Ujiie H:
    Exp Dermatol. 33: e14993, 2024.
  • Patterning in stratified epithelia depends on cell-cell adhesion.
    Mai Y*, Kobayashi Y, Kitahata H, Seo T, Nohara T, Itamoto S, Mai S, Kumamoto J, Nagayama M, Nishie W, Ujiie H, Natsuga K*:
    Life Sci Alliance 7: e202402893, 2024.

  • A case of revertant mosaic-like normal-looking spots in a patient with erythroderma with IL36RN and CARD14 heterozygous mutations.
    Matsuo M*, Zang X, Miyauchi T, Mizutani Y, Niwa H, Tanaka K, Iwata H:
    J Dermatol. 51: 1669-1673, 2024.

  • Three cases of multiple sclerosis presenting with palmoplantar pustulosis while receiving ofatumumab
    Nomura T, Muramatsu K, Yaguchi H*, Uwatoko H, Kawashima A, Izumi K, Ujiie H, Fukazawa T*, Yabe I*:
    J Neurol Sci. 467: 123315, 2024.  
  • Successful treatment of multicentric Castleman’s disease associated with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa using anti‐interleukin‐6 receptor antibody
    Naruse S, Takashima S, Fujita Y, Kataoka H, Kawamura N, Natsuga K, Ujiie H:
    J Dermatol. 51: e268-e269, 2024.
  • Collagen 17A1 in the urothelium regulates epithelial cell integrity and local immunological responses in obstructive uropathy.
    Namba T, Ichii O, Natsuga K, Nakamura T, Otani Y, Ko Y:
    Am J Pathol 194: 1550-1570, 2024.
  • IL-7-dependent and -independent lineages of IL-7R-dependent human T cells.
    Arango-Franco CA, Ogishi M, Unger S, Delmonte O, Orrego J, Yatim A, VelasquezLopera M, ZeaVera A, Bohlen J, Chbihi M, Fayand A, Sánchez J, Rojas J, Seeleuthner Y, Le Voyer T, Philippot Q, Payne K, Gervais A, ErazoBorrás L, CorreaLondoño L, Cederholm A, Gallon A, Goncalves P, Doisne JM, Horev L, Charmeteau B, Álvarez J, Arboleda D, PérezZapata L, VásquezEcheverri E, MoncadaVélez M, López J, Caicedo Y, Palterer B, Nguyen T, Ma CS, Jeljeli M, Alzate JF, Cabarcas F, Khan T, Rinchai D, Prétet JL, Boisson B, Marr N, Ibrahim R, MolhoPessach V, BoissonDupuis S, Kiritsi D, Barata J, Landegren N, Neven B, Abel L, Lisco A, Béziat V, Jouanguy E, Bustamante J, Di Santo J, Tangye S, Notarangelo L, Cheynier R, Natsuga K, Arias AA, Franco JL, Warnatz K, Casanova JL, Puel A:
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  • Alternative mRNA splicing events and regulators in epidermal differentiation.
    Takashima S*, Sun W*, Otten ABC, Cai P, Bui J, Amarbayar O, Cheng B, Tong E, Li Z, Qu K, Sun BK: *equal contribution
    Cell Rep. 43:113814, 2024.

  • Association between weight loss and death in patients with malignant melanoma: A retrospective study of 28 cases.
    Tanaka A, Miyazawa H, Yanagi T, Maeda T, Kitamura S, Ujiie H:
    J Dermatol. 51:463-466, 2024.

  • Morphea-like subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma
    Tokuchi K, Yanagi T, Inamura E, Kawamura T, Seo T, Fujita Y, Nakagawa M, Kasahara I,  Matsuno Y, Ujiie H:
    JAAD Case Rep. 46: 27-29, 2024.

  • Clinical-histopathological features and cancer gene analysis of cutaneous epithelioid angiosarcoma: A report of 4 cases.
    Tokuchi K, Yanagi T, Kurosawa S, Kitamura S, Maeda T, Hsu CY, Miyamoto K, Nishihara H, Ujiie H:
    JAAD Case Rep. 46: 45-48, 2024.

  • Study Design of a Phase 2/3 Randomized Controlled Trial of Dupilumab in Adults with Bullous Pemphigoid: LIBERTY-BP ADEPT.
    Murrell DF*, Joly P, Werth VP, Ujiie H, Worm M, Mangold AR, Avetisova E, Maloney J, Laws E, Mortensen E, Dubost-Brama A, Shabbir A:
    Adv Ther 41:2991-3002, 2024.

  • Centrifugally Spreading Annular Erythema as a Dermatological Indicator of Metastatic Breast Carcinoma.
    Youh J, Yamaguchi Y, Hiraguchi E:
    Cureus 16: e51641, 2024.

  • Subcutaneous Sweet’s Syndrome Presenting With a Single Cutaneous Lesion on the Thigh.
    Youh J, Mizukami T, Nagata Y, Ito K:
    Cureus 16: e67466, 2024. 
  • Resolution of Bullous Pemphigoid Following Lung Cancer Resection: A Case of Paraneoplastic Pemphigoid.
    Youh J, Mizukami T, Nagata Y, Ito K:
    Cureus 16: e73485, 2024. 

  • Lichen planus pigmentosus inversus presenting with clinical features mimicking acanthosis nigricans.
    Youh, J., Iwata, H., Kitamura, S., Ujiie, H:  
    Dermatology Online Journal 30: 6, 2024.


  • Sjögren症候群の合併を認めた成人発症Still病
    A case of adult-onset Stil disease complicated by Sjögren’s syndrome.
    皮膚病診療 46: 846-849, 2024.

  • Reticulated acanthoma with sebaceous differentiationの1例.
    三浦譲司, 夏賀健, 渡邉美佳, 得地景子, 柳輝希, 浜岡秀爾, 氏家英之:
    臨床皮膚科 78: 657-660, 2024

  • 家族性良性慢性天疱瘡診療ガイドライン 2023.
    岩田浩明, 宮内俊成, 古村南夫, 秋山真志, 池田志斈, 加賀麻弥, 川上民裕, 久保宜明, 久保亮治, 澤村大輔, 須賀康, 乃村俊史, 橋本隆, 深井和吉, 山本明美, 米田耕造:
    日本皮膚科学会雑誌 134: 273-287, 2024.

  • エルロチニブとラムシルマブの併用療法中に穿孔性皮膚症と紫斑,皮膚潰瘍を生じた1例.
    森田裕介, 今福恵輔, 板本想太, 挽地史織, 眞井翔子, 宮澤元, 得地景子, 榊原純, 氏家英之:
    臨床皮膚科 78: 119-124, 2024.

  • 帯状疱疹後に腹壁麻痺を呈した2症例.
    市立札幌病院医誌 84: 67-72, 2024.

  • 皮膚爬行症の4例.
    市立札幌病院医誌 84: 61-66, 2024.

  • 顎下リンパ節転移を生じた口唇粘表皮癌の1例.
    山賀三紗子,山口泰之*,稲村衣美,古屋和彦,崔悠意,曽根良子,本田進,木村中,笹木有佑:臨床皮膚科 78: 749-753,2024.

  • Aggressive Freezing Techniqueによる凍結療法が奏効したCircumscribed Palmar Hypokeratosisの1例.
    劉柱亨,  堀田萌子,  島野麻由奈,  古屋和彦:
    皮膚科の臨床 66: 735-738, 2024.


  • 多彩な臨床像を呈する自己免疫性水疱症.
    皮膚病診療 46: 208-212, 2024.

  • 尋常性天疱瘡.
    世界一やさしい皮膚科の教科書 南江堂: 114-119, 2024.

  • 皮膚疾患の病態 DPP-4阻害薬による水疱性類天疱瘡とHLA-DQ.
    臨床皮膚科 78: 51-54, 2024.

  • 【達人が教える!“あと一歩”をスッキリ治す皮膚科診療テクニック】 難治性水疱性類天疱瘡治療の“あと一歩”
    MB Derma 348: 189-196, 2024.

  • 皮膚科における自家培養表皮.
    日臨皮会誌 41: 30-32, 2024.

  • 鶏眼(うおのめ)・胼胝腫(たこ).
    夏賀 健:
    日本医事新報 5236: 47-48, 2024.

  • 表皮下水疱をきたす疾患と、その治癒する機序
    夏賀 健:
    西日本皮膚科 86: 453-458, 2024.
  • 遺伝学的解析の総説
    夏賀 健:
    皮膚病診療 46 増刊号: 92-93, 2024.

  • 最近わかってきたことー創傷治癒の最新の動向
    皮膚科 6:481-486, 2024.

  • Donor Muse cell treatment without HLA-matching tests and immunosuppressant treatment.
    Mitatoguchi S, Fujita Y, Niizuma K, Tominaga T, Yamashita T, Abe K, Dezawa M:
    Stem Cells Transl Med 13: 532-545, 2024.


  • 類天疱瘡, 後天性表皮水疱症.
    皮膚疾患 最新の治療 2025-2026, 南江堂: 137-139, 2024.

  • 丹毒.
    皮膚疾患 最新の治療2025-2026, 南江堂: 183, 2024.

  • 全身に水疱をくり返す症例.診断は?
    Visual Dermatology 23: 639, 675-676, 2024.

  • 手足にくり返す水疱.診断は?
    Visual Dermatology 23: 643, 683-684, 2024.

  • 治療法の再整理とアップデートのために 専門家による私の治療 脂漏性皮膚炎.
    日本医事新報 5204: 36-37, 2024.