
  • English Articles
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  • Urostomy‑related cutaneous intestinal metaplasia: A case report.
    Fujita Y, Mizukami T, Maya Y, Makita K, Tsuji T, Muramoto F, Shimizu S
    Indian J Dermatol. 68: 209-210, 2023.
  • Secukinumab-induced oral lichen planus in a psoriatic arthritis patient ameliorated after a switch to risankizumab.
    Fujita Y, Sugai T, Maya Y, Inamura E, Hirano Y, Shimizu S
    J Dermatol. 50: 824-827, 2023.
  • Eribulin inhibits growth of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma cell lines and a novel patient-derived xenograft.
    Hsu CY, Yanagi T, Maeda T, Nishihara H, Miyamoto K, Kitamura S, Tokuchi K, Ujiie H
    Scientific Reports 13: 8650, 2023.
  • Zonula occludens-1 distribution and barrier functions are affected by epithelial proliferation and turnover rates.
    Imafuku K, Iwata H, Natsuga K, Okumura M, Kobayashi Y, Kitahata H, Kubo A, Nagayama M, Ujiie H
    Cell Prolif. 56: e13441,2023.
  • Hand-foot syndrome histopathologically presenting eccrine squamous syringometaplasia due to pembrolizumab after lenvatinib treatment.
    Itamoto S, Imafuku K*, Miyazawa H, Anan T, Matsumiya H, Endo D, Mitamura T, Ujiie H
    J Cutan Pathol. 50: 932-935, 2023.
  • Skin biopsies for diagnosing neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease: A retrospective study of 12 cases.
    Itamoto S, Yanagi T, Yabe I, Matsuno Y, Ujiie H
    J Dermatol. 50: 931-934, 2023.
  • Long 3’UTRs predispose neurons to inflammation by promoting immunostimulatory double-stranded RNA formation.
    Dorrity TJ, Shin H, Wiegand KA, Aruda J, Closser M, Jung E, Gertie JA, Leone A, Polfer R, Culbertson B, Yu L, Wu C, Ito T, Huang Y, Steckelberg AL, Wichterle H, Chung H.
    Sci Immunol. 8: eadg2979, 2023.
  • m6A RNA modification regulates innate lymphoid cell responses in a lineage-specific manner.
    Zhang Y, Zhang W, Zhao J, Ito T, Jin J, Aparicio AO, Zhou J, Guichard V, Fang Y, Que J, Urban JF Jr, Hanna JH, Ghosh S, Wu X, Ding L, Basu U, Huang Y
    Nat Immunol. 24: 1256-1264, 2023.
  • Pemphigoid Nodularis Induced by Long-Term Use of Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors.
    Norikawa N, Irie K, Ishikawa M, Hiraiwa T, Izumi K, Yamamoto T
    Indian J Dermatol. 68: 104-105. 2023.
  • Two cases of Hallopeau-type pemphigus vegetans with anti-desmoglein 1 and anti-desmocollin 3 antibodies without mucosal involvement.
    Kawamura T, Muramatsu K, Orita A, Mai Y, Sugai T, Haga N, Fujimura Y, Miyauchi T, Izumi K, Koga H, Ishii N, Ujiie H
    J Eur Acad Dermatol Venerol. 37: e508-e510, 2023.
  • Pseudotumor of the skin due to Mycobacterium genavense.
    Kurosawa S, Imafuku K, Nakakubo S, Iwasaki S, Teshima T, Goto H, Ujiie H
    Int J Infect Dis. 134: 88-90, 2023.
  • Sentinel lymph node biopsy in extramammary Paget disease: A 13-year institutional experience.
    Maeda T, Nagai K, Uehara J, Toyoshima R, Nakagawa T, Yoshino K
    J Dermatol. 50: 57-63, 2023.
  • Native Autoantigen Complex Detects Pemphigoid Autoantibodies.
    Mai S, Izumi K, Mai Y, Natsuga K, Ishii N, Sawamura D, Shauer F, Kiritsi D, Nishie W,
    Ujiie H
    JID Innov. 3: 100193, 2023.
  • Detection of a natural antibody targeting the shed ectodomain of BP180 in mice.
    Mai Y, Izumi K, Mai S, Nishie W, Ujiie H
    J Dermatol Sci. 112: 15-22, 2023.
  • Rhythm gamer’s pad.
    Maya Y, Sato H
    BMJ 381: e073436, 2023.
  • Protein kinase Cβ is involved in cigarette smoke gas phase-induced ferroptosis in J774 macrophages.
    Higashi T, Handa H, Mai Y, Maenaka K, Tadokoro T
    J Pharmacol Sci. 153: 22-25, 2023.
  • Dermal discoloration due to osmium tetroxide.
    Naruse S, Takashima S, Natsuga K, Ujiie H
    Clin Toxicol. 61: 1004-1005, 2023.
  • Prognostic Analysis of Patients With Extramammary Paget Disease Treated With Conservative Excision.
    Seo T, Kitamura S, Yanagi T, Maeda T, Ujiie H
    Dermatol Surg. 49: 743-746, 2023.
  • Primary cutaneous Langerhans cell sarcoma without evident Birbeck granules: the importance of CD207/langerin positivity.
    Shimizu S, Inamura E, Sugai T, Kawashima K, Tsuji T, Ohshima K, Eguchi H, Fujita Y
    Eur J Dermatol. 33: 311-312, 2023.
  • Primary autoimmune neutropenia in infancy and childhood accompanied by cutaneous infection.
    Miyamoto K, Fujita Y, Maya Y, Ikemori Y, Sano H, Takashima Y, Karakawa S, Shimizu S
    J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 21: 525-526, 2023.
  • Interleukin-18 as a severity marker and novel potential therapeutic target for epidermolytic ichthyosis.
    Ansai O, Miyauchi T, Hayashi R, Katsumi T, Nishiguchi T, Hasegawa A, Shinkuma S, Natsuga K, Nomura T, Shimomura Y, Abe R
    Clin Exp Dermatol. 48: 199-210, 2023.
  • Association of genetic variants of HLA-DQA1 with bullous pemphigoid induced by dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors.
    Ozeki T, Muramatsu K, Yoshimoto N, Ujiie I, Izumi K, Iwata H, Mushiroda T, Ujiie H
    J Invest Dermatol. 143: 2219-2225, 2023.
  • A pilot study using immunohistochemical staining to characterize dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase expression in keratinocyte neoplasms.
    Ikediobi O, Sui JY, Kellogg C, Mares AR, Takashima S, Bertini JD, Daniels B, Hinds B, Sun BK
    JAAD Int 11: 90-91, 2023.
  • Development of a nutritionally balanced, melt-in-the-mouth chocolate for patients with epidermolysis bullosa.
    Nakamura K, Takashima S (Co-first), Nohara T, Watanabe M, Natsuga K, Ujiie H.
    J Dermatol. 50: 1640-1643, 2023.
  • A case of bullous pemphigoid developing under treatment with benralizumab for bronchial asthma
    Tanaka A, Fujimura Y, Fuke S, Izumi K, Ujiie H
    J Dermatol. 50: 1199-1202, 2023.
  • Rituximab therapy for intractable pemphigus: A multicenter, open-label, single-arm, prospective study of 20 Japanese patients.
    Yamagami J, Kurihara Y, Funakoshi T, Saito Y, Tanaka R, Takahashi H, Ujiie H, Iwata H, Hirai Y, Iwatsuki K, Ishii N, Sakurai J, Abe T, Takemura R, Mashino N, Abe M, Amagai M
    J Dermatol. 50: 175-182, 2023.
  • Intravenous immunoglobulin in patients with bullous pemphigoid insufficient response to corticosteroids: Nationwide post-marketing surveillance in Japan.
    Ujiie H, Arakawa M, Aoyama Y
    J Dermatol Sci. 109: 22-29, 2023.
  • Tissue memory relies on stem cell priming in distal undamaged areas.
    Levra levron C†, Watanabe M†, Proserpio V† (†: co-first authors), Piacenti G, Lauria A, Kaltenbach S, Tamburrini A, Nohara T, Anselmi F, Duval C, Elettrico L, Donna D, Conti L, Baev D, Natsuga K, Hagai T, Oliviero S, Donati G
    Nat Cell Biol. 25: 740–753, 2023.
  • Fever, Pancytopenia, and Tender Erythematous Plaques in a Patient with Multiple Myeloma.
    Yamaga M, Katayama S, Ota M
    JAMA Dermatol. 159: 785-786, 2023.
  • Combined use of nivolumab and ipilimumab among Japanese melanoma patients: Multicentre, retrospective study of 111 cases.
    Fujisawa Y*, Namikawa K, Yoshino K, Kiniwa Y, Ito T, Kato H, Matsushita S, Hoashi T, Nakamura Y, Yoshikawa S, Miyagawa T, Asai J, Matsuya T, Fukushima S, Kato J, Takenouchi T, Uchi H, Masuzawa M, Yanagi T, Maekawa T
    Br J Dermatol. 189: 223-250, 2023.
  • A case of generalized granuloma annulare induced by intravesical bacillus Calmette–Guerin immunotherapy.
    Youh J, Yamaguchi Y, Shimano M, Hotta M.
    Indian J Dermatol. 68: 590, 2023.
  • Dose-dependent, non-pigmenting fixed drug eruption with eczematous lesions induced by Bosutinib.
    Youh J, Yamaguchi Y, Kawamura T, Hoshina D
    Pan Afr Med J 46: 95, 2023.
  • Centrifugally Spreading Annular Erythema as a Dermatological Indicator of Metastatic Breast Carcinoma.
    Youh J, Yamaguchi Y, Hiraguchi E.
    Cureus 16: e51641, 2023.
  • 重症 (旧Herlitz型) 接合部型表皮水疱症の1例.
    横手銀珠, 石田倫子, 工藤恭子, 市山正子, 高島翔太, 夏賀健
    皮膚臨床 65: 69-73, 2023.
  • 類天疱瘡(後天性表皮水疱症を含む)診療ガイドライン補遺版.
    青山裕美, 杉山聖子, 山上淳, 高橋勇人, 岩田浩明, 名嘉眞武國, 池田志斈, 石井文人, 黒沢美智子, 澤村大輔, 鶴田大輔, 天谷雅行, 氏家英之
    日本皮膚科学会雑誌 133: 189-193, 2023.
  • イミキモドクリームが奏効した基底細胞母斑症候群の2例.
    小川弘記, 北村真也, 田中有沙, 山賀三紗子, 平野瑶子, 瀬尾拓志, 葭本倫大, 加藤直子, 柳輝希,氏家英之
    臨床皮膚科 77: 347-352, 2023.
  • B3型胸腺腫に伴うthymoma-associated multiorgan autoimmunityの1例.
    挽地史織, 山口泰之, 野村友希子, 藤村悠, 小島哲弥, 大場洋子, 鈴木昭
    臨床皮膚科 77: 323-328, 2023.
  • 小児多系統炎症性症候群の1例.
    奈良平敦司, 佐藤英嗣
    日本皮膚科学会雑誌 133: 683-687, 2023.
  • 増殖性天疱瘡に合併したPapillated Bowen’s Diseaseの1例.
    奈良平敦司, 小川弘記, 佐藤英嗣
    西日本皮膚科 85: 284-287, 2023.
  • 洋上救急から搬送されたインドネシア人の盲腸皮膚瘻の1例.
    野原拓馬, 片山奨, 山口泰之, 中村裕之, 田中聡一, 小田陽一郎, 廣瀬和幸
    皮膚科の臨床 65:1581-1585, 2023.
  • COVID-19後に生じた多形紅斑の1例.
    藤田靖幸, 稲村衣美, 須貝達朗, 清水聡子
    皮膚病診療 45: 764-767, 2023.
  • 水疱性類天疱瘡とBullous Rheumatoid Neutrophilic Dermatosisとの鑑別を要したリウマトイド血管炎.
    田中有沙, 柳輝希, 今福恵輔, 渥美達也, 氏家英之
    皮膚科の臨床 65:1531-1534, 2023.
  • 片側性の顔面皮疹を呈した抗MDA5抗体陽性皮膚筋炎の1例.
    森田裕介, 伊藤圭
    臨床皮膚科 77: 957-961, 2023
  • 水疱性類天疱瘡のバイオマーカー.
    月刊皮膚科 3: 574-581, 2023.
  • アトピー性皮膚炎の病態‐バリア機能障害‐.
    アレルギーの臨床 43: 583-586, 2023.
  • 水疱が出現した.多発する水疱やびらん、紅斑で何を想起する?
    Medicina 60: 2055-2058, 2023.
  • 表皮水疱症の最新情報.
    難病と在宅ケア 28: 49-51, 2023.
  • 表皮水疱症の水疱形成機構.
    日本皮膚科学会雑誌 133: 2819-2823, 2023.
  • 魚鱗癬に対する生物学的製剤の可能性.
    皮膚科 4: 185-192, 2023.
  • 乳房外Paget病の発症要因―CDK4/6の役割.
    臨床皮膚科 77: 54-57, 2023.
  • What’s new in the pathogeneses and triggering factors of bullous pemphigoid.
    Ujiie H
    J Dermatol 50: 140-149, 2023.
  • 学会ハイライト:第39回日本臨床皮膚科医会総会・臨床学術大会を開催して.
    皮膚病診療 45: 830-831, 2023.
  • マイオピニオン:勤務医が全国学会を開催してみた.
    診療皮膚科 77: 942-943, 2023.


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