UJIIE HideyukiProfessor and Chair
Board Certification by Japanese Dermatological Association
Professional Societies
The Japanese Dermatological Association (Delegate and Guideline Committee Member)
The Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology (Councilor)
Japan Organization of Clinical Dermatologists
Japanese Society for Immunology
Japanese Society of Allergology (Hokkaido Branch Councilor)
The Japanese Society for Cutaneous Immunology and Allergy (Delegate and Guideline Committee Member)
Japanese Society for Psoriasis Research (Councilor)
Society for Investigative Dermatology
European Society for Dermatological ResearchEducation and professional experience
2002 Mar M.D., Hokkaido University School of Medicine
2002 May Resident, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2005 Apr Resident, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Cancer Center
2010 Mar Ph.D., Dermatology Dept., Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University
2010 Apr Assistant professor, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2012 Sep Visiting fellow, National Institutes of Health (NIH) (Ethan Shevach Lab., USA)
2013 Apr JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship
2014 Sep Assistant professor, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2016 Sep Associate professor, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2021 Jan Professor and chairman, Dermatology Dept., Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine Hokkaido UniversityMajor Publications
- Muramatsu K, Zheng M, Yoshimoto N, Ito T, Ujiie I, Iwata H, Shimizu H, Ujiie H:
Regulatory T cell subsets in bullous pemphigoid and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor-associated bullous pemphigoid.
J Dermatol Sci 100: 23-30, 2020. - Ujiie H, Iwata H, Yamagami J, Nakama T, Aoyama Y, Ikeda S, Ishii N, Iwatsuki K, Kurosawa M, Sawamura D, Tanikawa A, Tsuruta D, Nishie W, Fujimoto W, Amagai M, Shimizu H, Committee for Guidelines for the Management of Pemphigoid Diseases (Including Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita):
Japanese guidelines for the management of pemphigoid (including epidermolysis bullosa acquisita).
J Dermatol 46: 1102-1135, 2019. - Ujiie H, Yoshimoto N, Natsuga K, Muramatsu K, Iwata H, Nishie W, Shimizu H:
Immune reaction to type XVII collagen induces intramolecular and intermolecular epitope spreading in experimental bullous pemphigoid models.
Front Immunol 10: 1410, 2019. - Ujiie I, Ujiie H, Iwata H, Shimizu H:
Clinical and immunological features of pemphigus relapse.
Br J Dermatol 180: 1498-1505, 2019. - Muramatsu K, Ujiie H, Kobayashi I, Nishie W, Izumi K, Ito T, Yoshimoto N, Natsuga K, Iwata H, Shimizu H:
Regulatory T-cell dysfunction induces autoantibodies to bullous pemphigoid antigens in mice and human subjects.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 142: 1818-1830, 2018. - Ujiie H, Muramatsu K, Mushiroda T, Ozeki T, Miyoshi H, Iwata H, Nakamura A, Nomoto H, Cho KY, Sato N, Nishimura M, Ito T, Izumi K, Nishie W, Shimizu H:
HLA-DQB1*03:01 as a biomarker for genetic susceptibility to bullous pemphigoid induced by DPP-4 inhibitors.
J Invest Dermatol 138: 1201-1204, 2018. - Sasaoka T#, Ujiie H#, Nishie W, Iwata H, Ishikawa M, Higashino H, Natsuga K, Shinkuma S, Shimizu H:
Intravenous IgG reduces pathogenic autoantibodies, serum IL-6 levels, and disease severity in experimental bullous pemphigoid models.
J Invest Dermatol 138: 1260-1267, 2018. # co-first author - Ujiie H, Shevach EM:
gdT cells protect liver and lung of mice from the autoimmunity induced by scurfy lymphocytes.
J Immunol 196: 1517-1528, 2016. - Ujiie H, Sasaoka T, Izumi K, Nishie W, Shinkuma S, Natsuga K, Nakamura H, Shibaki A, Shimizu H:
Bullous pemphigoid autoantibodies directly induce blister formation without complement activation.
J Immunol 193: 4415-4428, 2014. - Ujiie H, Shibaki A, Nishie W, Sawamura D, Wang G, Tateishi Y, Li Q, Moriuchi R, Qiao H, Nakamura H, Akiyama M, Shimizu H:
A novel active mouse model for bullous pemphigoid targeting humanized pathogenic antigen.
J Immunol 184: 2166-2174, 2010.
- Muramatsu K, Zheng M, Yoshimoto N, Ito T, Ujiie I, Iwata H, Shimizu H, Ujiie H:
NATSUGA KenSenior Associate Professor
Ph.D., Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan (2010)
Board Certification by Japanese Dermatological Association (2008)
M.D., Hokkaido University School of Medicine, Japan (2003)Professional Societies
The Japanese Dermatological Association
The Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology (2020-2023 Junior Board Director, 2022-Diversity Committee Member)
Japan Organization of Clinical Dermatologists
European Society for Dermatological Research
Society for Investigative Dermatology
Japan Skin Research Club (Organizer)
The Japan Society of Human Genetics
Japanese Society of Vitiligo
Japanese Society for Psoriasis ResearchEducation and professional experience
2003 Mar M.D., Hokkaido University School of Medicine
2003 Mar Resident, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2005 Apr Resident, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Cancer Center
2006 Apr Medical staff, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2010 Mar Ph.D., Dermatology Dept., Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University
2010 Sep Visiting Scientist, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute (Fiona Watt Lab., UK)
2011 Apr JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship
2012 Sep Assistant professor, Dermatology Dept., Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University
2016 Aug Associate professor, Dermatology Dept., Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University
2021 Feb Senior associate professor, Dermatology Dept., Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine Hokkaido University
2021 Apr Senior associate professor, Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido UniversityMajor Publications
- Mai Y, Kobayashi Y, Kitahata H, Seo T, Nohara T, Itamoto S, Mai S, Kumamoto J, Nagayama M, Nishie W, Ujiie H, Natsuga K:
Patterning in stratified epithelia depends on cell-cell adhesion.
Life Sci Alliance 7: e202402893, 2024. - Natsuga K, Furuta Y, Takashima S, Nohara S, Kosumi H, Mai Y, Higashi H, Ujiie H:
Detection of revertant mosaicism in epidermolysis bullosa through Cas9-targeted long read sequencing.
Hum Mutat 43: 529-536, 2022. - Wang Y, Kitahata H, Kosumi H, Watanabe M, Fujimura Y, Takashima S, Osada SI, Hirose T, Nishie W, Nagayama M, Shimizu H, Natsuga K:
Collagen XVII deficiency alters epidermal patterning.
Lab Invest 102: 581-588, 2022. - Kosumi H, Watanabe M, Shinkuma S, Fujimura Y, Tsukiyama T, Donati G, Iwata H, Ujiie H, Natsuga K:
Wnt/beta-catenin signaling stabilizes hemidesmosomes in keratinocytes.
J Invest Dermatol 142: 1576-1586, 2022. - Fujimura Y, Watanabe M, Ohno K, Kobayashi Y, Takashima S, Nakamura H, Kosumi H, Wang Y, Mai Y, Lauria A, Proserpio V, Ujiie H, Iwata H, Nishie W, Nagayama M, Oliviero S, Donati G, Shimizu H, Natsuga K:
Hair follicle stem cell progeny heal blisters while pausing skin development.
EMBO Rep 22: e50882, 2021. - Watanabe M, Natsuga K, Nishie W, Kobayashi Y, Donati G, Suzuki S, Fujimura Y, Ujiie H, Shinkuma S, Nakamura H, Murakami M, Ozaki M, Nagayama M, Watt FM, Shimizu H:
Type XVII collagen coordinates proliferation in the interfollicular epidermis.
Elife 6: e26635, 2017. - Natsuga K, Cipolat S, Watt FM:
Increased bacterial load and expression of antimicrobial peptides in skin of barrier-deficient mice with reduced cancer susceptibility.
J Invest Dermatol 136: 99-106, 2016. - Natsuga K, Nishie W, Shinkuma S, Ujiie H, Nishimura M, Sawamura D, Shimizu H:
Antibodies to pathogenic epitopes on type XVII collagen cause skin fragility in a complement-dependent and -independent manner.
J Immunol 188: 5792-5799, 2012. - Natsuga K, Nishie W, Smith BJ, Shinkuma S, Smith TA, Parry DA, Oiso N, Kawada A, Yoneda K, Akiyama M, Shimizu H:
Consequences of two different amino-acid substitutions at the same codon in KRT14 endicate definitive roles of structural distortion in epidermolysis bullosa simplex pathogenesis.
J Invest Dermatol 131: 1869-1876, 2011. - Natsuga K, Nishie W, Akiyama M, Nakamura H, Shinkuma S, McMillan JR, Nagasaki A, Has C, Ouchi T, Ishiko A, Hirako Y, Owaribe K, Sawamura D, Bruckner-Tuderman L, Shimizu H:
Plectin expression patterns determine two distinct subtypes of epidermolysis bullosa simplex.
Hum Mutat 31: 308-316, 2010.
- Mai Y, Kobayashi Y, Kitahata H, Seo T, Nohara T, Itamoto S, Mai S, Kumamoto J, Nagayama M, Nishie W, Ujiie H, Natsuga K:
WATANABE MikaAssociate professor
Board Certification by Japanese Dermatological Association
Professional Societies
The Japanese Dermatological Association
The Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology (Guideline Committee Member)
Japanese Society for Psoriasis Research
Japan Organization of Clinical Dermatologists
European Society for Dermatological ResearchEducation and professional experience
2007 Mar M.D.,Hokkaido University School of Medicine
2007 Apr Resident, Tokyo Metropolitan Bokutoh Hospital
2009 Apr Medical staff, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2011Apr Senior Resident, Dermatology Dept., Sapporo City General Hospital
2012 Apr Medical staff, Dermatology Dept., JR Sapporo Hospital
2013 Apr Medical staff, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2017 Dec Ph.D., Dermatology Dept., Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University
2018 Apr Postdoctral researcher, University of Turin, Molecular biotechnology center (Giacomo Donati Lab, Italy)
2019 Apr JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship
2023 Jan Assistant Professor, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2024 Jan Associate Professor, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. HospitalMajor Publications
- Levra levron C†, Watanabe M†, Proserpio V† (†: co-first authors), Piacenti G, Lauria A, Kaltenbach S, Tamburrini A, Nohara T, Anselmi F, Duval C, Elettrico L, Donna D, Conti L, Baev D, Natsuga K, Hagai T, Oliviero S, Donati G:
Tissue memory relies on stem cell priming in distal undamaged areas.
Nat Cell Biol, 25: 740–753, 2023. - Kosumi H, Watanabe M, Shinkuma S, Nohara T, Fujimura Y, Tsukiyama T, Donati G, Iwata H, Nakamura H, Ujiie H, Natsuga K:
Wnt/β-catenin signaling stabilizes hemidesmosomes in keratinocytes.
J Invest Dermatol, 142: 1576-158, 2022. - Wang Y, Kitahata H, Kosumi H, Watanabe M, Fujimura Y, Takashima S, Osada S-I, Hirose T, Nishie W, Nagayama M, Shimizu H, Natsuga K:
Collagen XVII deficiency alters epidermal patterning.
Lab Invest, 102: 581–588, 2022. - Watanabe M, Kosumi H, Osada S-I, Takashima S, Wang Y, Nishie W, Oikawa T, Hirose T, Shimizu H, Natsuga K:
Type XVII collagen interacts with the aPKC‐PAR complex and maintains epidermal cell polarity.
Exp Dermatol, 30: 62–67,2021. - Fujimura Y, Watanabe M, Ohno K, Kobayashi Y, Takashima S, Nakamura H, Kosumi H, Wang Y, Mai Y, Lauria A, Proserpio V, Ujiie H, Iwata H, Nishie W, Nagayama M, Oliviero S, Donati G, Shimizu H, Natsuga K:
Hair follicle stem cell progeny heal blisters while pausing skin development.
EMBO Rep, 22: e50882, 2021. - Watanabe M, Natsuga K, Shinkuma S, Shimizu H:
Epidermal aspects of type VII collagen: implications for dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa and epidermolysis bullosa acquisita.
J Dermatol, 45: 515-521, 2018. - Kosumi H, Watanabe M, Natsuga K, Miyauchi T, Shiiya C, Ujiie H, Shimizu H:
Sweet’s syndrome mimicking ANCA-associated vasculitis.
Am J Med, 131: e241-e242, 2018. - Watanabe M, Natsuga K, Nishie W, Kobayashi Y, Donati G, Suzuki S, Fujimura Y, Ujiie H, Shinkuma S, Nakamura H, Murakami M, Ozaki M, Nagayama M, Watt FM, Shimizu H:
Type XVII collagen coordinates proliferation in the interfollicular epidermis.
ELife, 6: e26635, 2017. - Hayashi R, Natsuga K, Watanabe M, Iwata H, Shinkuma S, Ito A, Masui Y, Ito M, Shimomura Y:
Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita develops in dominant dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa.
J Invest Dermatol, 136:320-3, 2016. - Watanabe M, Ujiie H, Nishimura K, Kamiyama T, Abe R, Shimizu H:
Mycosis fungoides associated with splenic infarction and muscle involvement.
Br J Dermatol, 173; 1100-1102, 2015.
- Levra levron C†, Watanabe M†, Proserpio V† (†: co-first authors), Piacenti G, Lauria A, Kaltenbach S, Tamburrini A, Nohara T, Anselmi F, Duval C, Elettrico L, Donna D, Conti L, Baev D, Natsuga K, Hagai T, Oliviero S, Donati G:
ITO TakamasaAssistant professor
Board Certification by Japanese Dermatological Association
Professional Societies
The Japanese Dermatological Association
The Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology
Japan Organization of Clinical DermatologistsEducation and professional experience
2010 M.D.,Hokkaido University School of Medicine
2010 Resident, Chigasaki Tokushukai General Hospital
2012 Medical staff, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2013 Senior Resident, Dermatology Dept., Sapporo City General Hospital
2015 Medical staff, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2018 Ph.D., Dermatology Dept., Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University
2019 Department director, Dermatology Dept., Tonan hospital
2020 Postdoctral fellow, Columbia University, The department of microbiology and immunology (Huang Yuefeng Lab, USA)
2022 JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship
2024 Assistant Professor, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. Hospital -
MURAMATSU KenAssistant professor
Board Certification by Japanese Dermatological Association
Board Certification by Japanese Association for Medical Artificial IntelligenceProfessional Societies
The Japanese Dermatological Association
The Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology
The Japanese Association for Medical Artificial IntelligenceEducation and professional experience
2011 Mar M.D.,Hokkaido University School of Medicine
2011 Apr Junior Resident, Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2012 Apr Junior Resident, Obihiro Kosei Hospital
2013 Apr Senior Resident, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2014 Apr Senior Resident, Dermatology Dept., KKR Sapporo Medical Center
2019 Mar Ph.D., Dermatology Dept., Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University
2019 Apr Medical Staff, Dermatology Dept., JR Sapporo Hospital
2020 Apr Medical Staff, Dermatology Dept., Kushiro City General Hospital
2020 Jul Medical Staff, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2021 Oct Research Fellow, Agency for Science, Technology and Research(Florent GINHOUX Lab, Singapore)
2022 Oct JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship (Agency for Science, Technology and Research)
2023 Nov Assistant Professor, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. HospitalMajor Publications
- Kawamura T, Muramatsu K, Orita A, Mai Y, Sugai T, Haga N, Fujimura Y, Miyauchi T, Izumi K, Koga H, Ishii N, Ujiie H:
Two cases of Hallopeau-type pemphigus vegetans with anti-desmoglein 1 and anti-desmocollin 3 antibodies without mucosal involvement.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 37: e508-e510, 2023. - Ozeki T, Muramatsu K, Yoshimoto N, Ujiie I, Izumi K, Iwata H, Mushiroda T, Ujiie H:
Association of Genetic Variants of HLA-DQA1 with Bullous Pemphigoid Induced by Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors.
J Invest Dermatol 143: 2219-2225.e5, 2023. - Muramatsu K, Zheng M, Yoshimoto N, Ito T, Ujiie I, Iwata H, Shimizu H, Ujiie H:
Regulatory T cell subsets in bullous pemphigoid and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor-associated bullous pemphigoid.
J Dermatol Sci 100: 23-30, 2020. - Muramatsu K, Ujiie H, Kobayashi I, Nishie W, Izumi K, Ito T, Yoshimoto N, Natsuga K, Iwata H, Shimizu H:
Regulatory T-cell dysfunction induces autoantibodies to bullous pemphigoid antigens in mice and human subjects.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 142: 1818-1830.e6, 2018. - Ujiie H, Muramatsu K, Mushiroda T, Ozeki T, Miyoshi H, Iwata H, Nakamura A, Nomoto H, Cho KY, Sato N, Nishimura M, Ito T, Izumi K, Nishie W and Shimizu H:
HLA-DQB1*03:01 as a biomarker for susceptibility to bullous pemphigoid induced by DPP-4 inhibitor.
J Invest Dermatol 138: 1201-1204, 2018. - Muramatsu K, Ujiie H, Shimizu H:
Postherpetic abdominal pseudohernia.
BMJ 358: j2786, 2017. - Muramatsu K, Ujiie H, Natsuga K, Nishie W, Shimizu H:
Lichenoid drug eruption caused by clonazepam.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 31: e117-e118, 2017. - Muramatsu K, Nishie W, Natsuga K, Fujita Y, Iwata H, Yamada T, Yamashita E, Asaka T, Shimizu H:
Two cases of erosive oral lichen planus with autoantibodies to desmoglein 3.
J Dermatol 43: 1350-1353, 2016. - Muramatsu K, Fujita Y, Inokuma D, Tsukinaga I, Ito K, Nishiura Y, Shimizu H:
Cutaneous Manifestations of Thymoma-associated Multi-organ Autoimmunity: A Fatal Sign.
Acta Dermato-Venereol 96: 818-819, 2016. - Muramatsu K, Nomura T, Ito T, Hamade Y, Hirata Y, Fujita Y, Abe R, Shimizu H:
Repeated skin sampling and prolonged incubation period identified cutaneous Mycobacaterium chelonae infection on the face in an immunocompetent man.
Br J Dermatol 170: 471-473, 2014.
- Kawamura T, Muramatsu K, Orita A, Mai Y, Sugai T, Haga N, Fujimura Y, Miyauchi T, Izumi K, Koga H, Ishii N, Ujiie H:
TAKASHIMA ShotaAssistant professor
Board Certification by Japanese Dermatological Association
Professional Societies
The Japanese Dermatological Association
The Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology
Society for Investigative DermatologyEducation and professional experience
2012 Mar M.D.,Hokkaido University School of Medicine
2012 Apr Junior Resident, Kushiro Red Cross Hospital
2013 Apr Junior Resident, Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2014 Apr Medical staff, Chitose City Hospital
2015 Apr Medical staff, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2018 Apr Medical staff, Chitose City Hospital
2019 Jun Ph.D., Dermatology Dept., Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University
2020 Jul Visiting Scholar, Dermatology Dept., University of California, San Diego (Bryan Sun lab., U.S.A)
2022 Aug Assistant Professor, Dermatology Dept., Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine Hokkaido UniversityMajor Publications
- Takashima S, Shinkuma S, Fujita Y, Nomura T, Ujiie H, Natsuga K, Iwata H, Nakamura H, Vorobyev A, Abe R, Shimizu H:
Efficient reframing gene therapy for recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa with CRISPR/Cas9.
J Invest Dermatol 139, 1711-1721, 2019. - Natsuga K, Furuta Y, Takashima S, Nohara T, Kosumi H, Mai Y, Higashi H, Ujiie H:
Detection of revertant mosaicism in epidermolysis bullosa through Cas9-targeted long-read sequencing.
Hum Mutat 43: 529-536, 2022. - Takashima S, Fujita Y, Saito N, Suzuki S, Nomura T, Shimizu H:
RNA recognition motif of LEMD3 as a key player in the pathogenesis of Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome.
J Dermatol Sci 81: 205-208, 2016. - Takashima S, Fujita Y, Shinkuma S, Shimizu S, Hasegawa T, Amizuka N, Shimizu H, Natsuga K*:
Calcinosis cutis in self-healing dominant dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa.
J Dermatol 47 :e457-8, 2020. - Matsumura W, Fujita Y, Shinkuma S, Suzuki S, Yokoshiki S, Goto H, Hayashi H, Ono K, Inoie M, Takashima S, Nakayama C, Nomura T, Nakamura H, Abe R, Sato N, Shimizu H:
Cultured epidermal autografts from clinically revertant skin as a potential wound treatment for recessive dystrophic bullosa.
J Invest Dermatol 139: 2115-24, 2019. - Takashima S, Shinkuma S, Fujita Y, Nomura T, Hida T, Ishikawa S, Nakamura H, Abe R, Shimizu H:
A novel COL7A1 mutation in a Japanese family with bullous dermolysis of the newborn: Phenotypic variability associated with a COL7A1 mutation within the same family.
J Dermatol 34: e260-1, 2018. - Takashima S, Nishie W, Morita Y, Osawa R, Iwata H, Fujita Y, Fujimoto K, Shimizu H:
Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis in a patient with mycosis fungoides.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 30: 712-3, 2016. - Takashima S, Iwata H, Sakata M, Osawa R, Nishie W, Shimizu H:
Widespread erythema ab igne caused by hot bathing.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 29: 2259-61, 2015. - Takashima S,Fujita Y,Miyauchi T,Nomura T,Nishie W,Hamaoka S, Shimizu H:
Dermoscopic observation in adenoma of the nipple.
J Dermatol 42: 341-2, 2015. - Takashima S, Sakamoto T, Ota M:
Tumoral calcinosis in chronic renal failure.
Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2: 852, 2014.
- Takashima S, Shinkuma S, Fujita Y, Nomura T, Ujiie H, Natsuga K, Iwata H, Nakamura H, Vorobyev A, Abe R, Shimizu H:
MAEDA TakuyaAssistant professor
Board Certification by Japanese Dermatological Association
Professional Societies
The Japanese Dermatological Association
Japanese Skin Cancer Society
The Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology
Japan Organization of Clinical DermatologistsEducation and professional experience
2015 Mar M.D.,Hokkaido University School of Medicine
2015 Apr Resident, Kitami Red cross Hospital
2016 Apr Resident, Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2017 Apr Medical staff, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2018 Apr Medical staff, Dermatologic Oncology Dept., Tokyo metropolitan Cancer and infectious disease center Komagome Hospital
2019 Apr Medical staff, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2021 Apr Medical staff, Dermatologic Oncology Dept., Tokyo metropolitan Cancer and infectious disease center Komagome Hospital
2022 Apr Medical staff, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. Hospital
2023 Mar Ph.D., Dermatology Dept., Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University
2023 Jul Assistant Professor, Dermatology Dept., Hokkaido Univ. HospitalMajor Publications
- Maeda T, Hiura A, Uehara J, Toyoshima R, Nakagawa T, Yoshino K:
Early tumor response assessment may avoid serious immune-related adverse events in nivolumab and ipilimumab combination therapy for stage IV melanoma.
Br J Dermatol 186: 587-588, 2022. - Maeda T, Hiura A, Uehara J, Toyoshima R, Nakagawa T, Yoshino K:
Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio is associated with survival and sentinel lymph node positivity in invasive cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: A retrospective study.
J Am Acad Dermatol 86: 615-620, 2022. - Maeda T, Hiura A, Uehara J, Toyoshima R, Nakagawa T, Yoshino K:
Combined carboplatin and paclitaxel therapy improves overall survival in patients with nivolumab-resistant acral and mucosal melanoma.
Br J Dermatol 186: 361-363, 2022. - Maeda T, Kitamura S, Yanagi T:
RANK-RANKL signaling pathway contributes to disease progression in cutaneous angiosarcoma: A case report with an immunohistochemical review and in vitro experiments.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 34: e834-e837, 2020. - Maeda T, Kitamura S, Nishihara H, Yanagi T:
Extramammary Paget’s disease patient-derived xenografts harboring ERBB2 S310F mutation show sensitivity to HER2-targeted therapies.
Oncogene 39: 5867-5875, 2020. - Maeda T, Yoshino K, Nagai K, Oaku S, Kato M, Hiura A, Fujisawa Y:
The effect of the lymphovascular plugging metastasis pattern in extramammary Paget’s disease on identifying metastatic lesions by imaging tests: an autopsy case series.
Br J Dermatol 182: 493-495, 2020. - Maeda T, Yoshino K, Nagai K, Oaku S, Kato M, Hiura A, Hata H:
Development of endocrine immune-related adverse events and improved survival in advanced melanoma patients treated with nivolumab monotherapy.
Eur J Cancer 115: 13-16, 2019. - Maeda T, Yoshino K, Nagai K, Oaku S, Kato M, Hiura A, Hata H:
Efficacy of nivolumab monotherapy against acral lentiginous melanoma and mucosal melanoma in Asian patients.
Br J Dermatol 180: 1230-1231, 2019. - Hiura A, Yoshino K, Maeda T, Nagai K, Oaku S, Kato M, Fujisawa Y:
Chemoradiotherapy could improve overall survival of patients with stage IV cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: analysis of 34 cases.
Br J Dermatol 180: 1557-1558, 2019. - Kato M, Yoshino K, Maeda T, Nagai K, Oaku S, Hiura A, Fujisawa Y:
Single-agent taxane is useful in palliative chemotherapy for advanced extramammary Paget’s disease; A Case Series.
Br J Dermatol 181: 831-832, 2019.
- Maeda T, Hiura A, Uehara J, Toyoshima R, Nakagawa T, Yoshino K:
Medical Staffs / Residents / Visiting Clinical Doctors
HASE Takahiro
NARUSE Satsuki
UENO Shoko
Ph.D. Course Students
PEH Jin Teng
SHIIYA Chihiro
HSU Che-yuan
SEO Takashi
IZUMI Kentaro
MAI Shoko
Central Research Institute
Researching Abroad
MIYAUCHI Toshinari
KOSUMI Hideyuki
MAI Yosuke
Laboratory Technicians
AOKI Kumiko
Medical Secretaries
On leave of absence
Professor Emeritus
Visiting Professor
NOMURA Toshifumi
Assistant Adjunct Professors
OTA Mitsuhito
ANAN Takashi
SUZUKI Shotaro
FUJITA Yasuyuki
NOMURA Toshifumi
IWATA Hiroaki
ANDO Satomi
KIKUCHI Kazuhiro